Amy Omand, CPA

I am passionate about using my expertise in financial management to help organizations thrive. I'm a true numbers nerd; I get a great sense of satisfaction in preparing an analysis for a leader that can help drive decision making.

I particularly enjoy assisting organizations with arranging their financial data in such a way that makes the daily processing easy, monthly reporting impactful and annual audits a breeze. I have worked as a part of a large financial team, and also as my company’s only accountant, and grew the team as the company scaled nationally. I enjoy getting deep into the data and pulling out the insights that CEOs and board members need to make effective decisions. 

What does “7 Seat” Mean?

I was a rower in my youth, first in high school in Long Beach, and then at the collegiate level at Georgetown. Rowing is all about teamwork, as you have 8 rowers in a boat who must work together to make that boat accelerate. Each rower has a specific job to do – seats 5 and 6 are the powerhouse seats, and seats 1 and 2 are the bow pair. My favorite seat was the 7 seat – the rower who sat behind the leader of the boat. The 7 seat had to be technically excellent, follow the lead of the 8 seat, and then transmit that rhythm to the remaining rowers behind her.  

In my professional life, I draw parallels to how I perform as a finance leader to my time on the crew team. I have been the 7 seat by following the lead of the entrepreneurs and CEO’s I’ve worked for, and transmitting that information into financial terms to the rest of our team. I’ve trained stakeholders on the important cadence daily internal controls and monthly financial reporting. I’m building 7 Seat Consulting so that I can work with visionary leaders and assist them in executing their missions to their fullest potential. 

Amy rowing in the 7 seat on the Potomac river for Georgetown, in the late 90’s

I live and work in Oakland, California with my husband, two kids, and two rescue pups. I enjoy hiking, indoor rowing at my neighborhood gym, live music, and stand-up paddle boarding in the Bay.